PWF WooCommerce Product Filters
The PWF WooCommerce Product Filters is an amazing plugin that helps you to create the Woocommerce filter without adding any code.
The PWF plugin starts from version 1.6.9. Can filter any WordPress custom post type. You can filter custom post types by taxonomies, meta, and author.
Why do you choose PWF WooCommerce Product Filters plugin?
- Clean URLs or Pretty URLS .
- Direct Ajax.
- Analytic tool.
- RTL & Responsive.
- Product variations.
- Developer friendly.
- 3 Different pagination types.
- Easy drag and drop form builder.
- API for Android or iPhone APP.
- Customize style colors, font size, shapes size, and more.
- 10 Different fields types checkbox, radio, color box, and more.
- Compatible with most popular wordpress plugins and themes.
- caching system for the load speed improving. (tested with up 60000 products)
Filter By
Product category, Product tag, Attributes, custom Taxonomies, meta, author, on sale, Featured product, stock status, and orderby.
Available Fields
- Checkbox list, Radio list, Box list, Text list, Date, Price slider, Rate,Column layout, Button.
- Color list [with option to upload an image].
- Range slider[meta – taxonomy – rate].
- Dropdown [with option to multiselect].
- Search by a title or title and content.
PWF WooCommerce Product Filters Features
- RTL.
- WordPress MultiSite.
- Compatible with caching plugins.
- Translated Languages English, Arabic.
- JS Pushstate when clients click the browser back button.
- Unlimited filters Create a filter for each product category or taxonomy.
- Displaying filters on the frontend using widgets or the plugin shortcodes.
- Working with any page builder that support woocommerce shortcode .
- Integrate with default Woo shortcodes and the dropdown order by menu.
- The PWF WooCommerce Product Filters start from the version 1.5.4 can work with any page builder or theme.
And more!
Get Now PWF WooCommerce Product Filters!
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