Themeisle Hestia Pro WordPress Theme 3.0.19

Themeisle Hestia Pro WordPress Theme

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Themes
Author: ThemeIsle
Author Website:
Tags: Creative & Portfolio

Themeisle Hestia Pro WordPress Theme


Modern Material Design Theme
Hestia Pro is A stylish one-page theme perfect for any type of business. Enjoy the high-performance that comes with great user experience.


What Makes Hestia Pro Theme Special?

  • Slick Material Design
  • All Done Within the Customizer
  • WooCommerce Design Ready
  • Page Builder Compatibility
  • Access to All Starter Sites
  • Uncompromized Speed


Take Full Control Within the Customizer
Hestia Pro’s beautiful material design is already created for all major sections of your site. Tweak the Homepage or the Blog’s ready-made designs directly from the Customizer. Enjoy the flexibility of a full standing theme that works for both simple or complex websites. Oh, did we forget to mention it’s Gutenberg-ready?

Use Elementor / Your Page Builder of Choice
Enjoy the seamless integration with Gutenberg and all popular page builders: Elementor, Brizy, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin and Divi Builder. Customizing your website has never been easier.

Enhanced Compatibility
Hestia Pro comes with an out-of-the-box design for your store. Actually, there are two different designs you can choose from. With its appealing user focused design and WooCommerce integration, it’s got all you need to build your high converting online store exactly as you want it.

Build Your Site Even Faster with Starter Sites
Import the ready-made starter sites with a single click and get a major head start with building your site. Just add your own content and you are ready to go!

Pricing & Portfolio Frontpage Sections
Two extra sections are added to Hestia PRO: a Portfolio section that comes with two possible layouts and a fully customizable Jetpack Pricing section so that you can showcase your products and pricing plans upfront.

Slider & Video Header
Getting bored with the static image of the Homepage header? With Hestia PRO you can sparkle up your site with either a slider or a video that will give your visitors a nice intro and feel of your business. Start getting creative!

Fully Customizable Homepage
You can easily reorder the Homepage sections and select which ones to show up or not. Create new ones using the available hooks or even use them on the internal pages using shortcodes.

And much more!!!


Get Now Themeisle Hestia Pro WordPress Theme!!!

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    We do not offer any additional services of the author, such as customization of products or license keys. We are not affiliated with or related in any way to third-party developers or trademark owners.

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