FacetWP Advanced Filtering 4.3.6

FacetWP Mobile Flyout

Original price was: $249.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 4.3.6
Category: Plugins
Author: FacetWP
Author Website: Here
Tags: Utilities

FacetWP Advanced Filtering

Smart Filtering

With FacetWP users find what they’re looking for faster because only relevant filtering choices are shown. This leads to happier customers and increased sales.

Use your existing data

FacetWP Advanced Filtering use your site’s existing post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. FacetWP Advanced Filtering automatically works on your existing archive pages too.

Works with most themes

Add FacetWP Advanced Filtering anywhere on your page using shortcodes or PHP. Other built-in features (pagination, sorting, user selections) are also just a shortcode away.

Lots of facet types

This plugin includes many facet types, including checkboxes, dropdowns, date ranges, sliders, and even proximity (geolocation).

Developer friendly

Developers can take advantage of the plugin’s many hooks for a high degree of customization.

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