AffiliateWP Zapier Integration 1.4

AffiliateWP Zapier Integration

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Plugins
Author: AffiliateWP
Author Website:
Tags: Affiliates

AffiliateWP Zapier Integration

The AffiliateWP Zapier Integration allows you to connect AffiliateWP with over 700 different web services, using your Zapier account.

Any app available within Zapier can be connected to AffiliateWP.

The AffiliateWP Zapier Integration add-on authenticates with your Zapier account using the API Keys feature available in AffiliateWP 1.9 or later (more information):

This AffiliateWP Zapier Integration add-on has support for both Zapier Actions and Triggers. You can notify Zapier when the desired AffiliateWP activity occurs on your site (such as a new referral being created), as well as create, update, or delete any number of affiliates, referrals, visits, creatives, and payouts!

You will also need to install and activate the REST API Extended pro add-on to be able to use the API Keys for further functionality with the triggers and actions of Zapier.

AffiliateWP Zapier Integration is Perfect

Any time AffiliateWP activity occurs on your site, if you’ve enabled Zapier to do so and your site is authenticated as noted above, this data is made available to third-party services via REST API endpoints.

Using these endpoints to power the Zapier pro add-on, we’re able to open AffiliateWP to the enormous world of the Zapier app ecosystem.

Have a look at the primary features available …

Some AffiliateWP Zapier Integration Features

  • Enable only the notifications you want
  • Securely authenticate with your site, using the AffiliateWP REST API
  • Triggers: Trigger a Zapier action any time an affiliate, referral, visit, or creative is updated, deleted, or created, as well as any time a payout is created or deleted


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