Thrive Themes Architect Plugin
A good tool for your business should be easy and not take away from your time and energy. Thrive Themes Architect Plugin is the visual page builder that is built from the ground up for business and conversion focused websites. And because we know that entrepreneurs are busy, Thrive Themes Architect Plugin is built with an obsessive focus on being as fast as possible to use.
We’ve removed every possible barrier between the business idea in your head and a professional presence of that business on your website.
Build at the Speed of Thought
When you load up the Thrive Themes Architect Plugin, everything follows one simple idea. We call it “click-to-edit”. If you want to change something, you click on it and you’ll see your edits instantly. If you want to move something, you click, drag and drop. We’ve removed every obstacle between you and building the content you want.
Smart Landing Page Templates
291 beautifully designed and 100% conversion focused landing page templates that come bundled with Thrive Themes Architect Plugin and Thrive Suite. It’s simply the fastest way to create professional looking sales pages, opt-in pages, webinar pages and more, that are instantly publishable yet still completely customizable.
Create a High-Converting Homepage with Thrive Themes Architect Plugin
Your homepage is probably one of the most visited pages on your site. Is it making the impression you want it to make? Is it engaging visitors and boosting your conversions? With Thrive Themes Architect Plugin, you can use one of our templates or build a beautiful, professional looking homepage or improve the layout on your existing homepage by adding things like columns, horizontal opt-in forms, a stylish gallery of your blog posts, social share icons and more.
and much more is possible with Thrive Themes Architect Plugin.
Get Today Thrive Themes Architect Plugin.
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