MEC Advanced Location Addon 1.3.5

MEC Advanced Location Addon

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 1.3.5
Category: Plugins
Author: Webnus
Author Website: Here
Tags: Events and Calendars

MEC Advanced Location Addon


This MEC Advanced Location Addon provides you with a dedicated page for each of the location. You can have a list of speakers, locations or locations wherever you like, using the shortcodes. Using different options, you can have various features for your shortcode. You can also show the locations in the form of a list or grid. In addition to that, you can list those events specifically related to these speakers, locationss or locations under the shortcode.

MEC Advanced Location Addon Key Features

  • Optional Shortcodes
    Set optional shortcodes for locations.
  • Dedicated Page
    Create a dedicated page for your locations.
  • Single Location
    For each of the locations, you can create an individual separate page.
  • Showing Your Events
    You can show all your location events in the shortcodes.
  • Featuring The Organizers
    You can select some or all of the locations as featured with one click when you create a new one for your events
  • Ongoing Events
    Show the ongoing events for each of the locations in the list or grid view under the shortcodes.
  • List View Of All Locations
    You can show all the locations in a single list view page.
  • Grid View Of All Locations
    You can show all the locations in a single grid view page.
  • Excluded Information
    Provide the password specific for your events to the attendees in the event
  • Excluded Information
    You can exclude some information in each shortcode.
  • Creating Further Access
    You can create access to events based on locations.
  • Map
    You can show the map of your location in a list or grid view.


Get Now MEC Advanced Location Addon!

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