JetCompare Wishlist for Elementor 1.5.9

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 1.5.9
Category: Plugins
Author: Crocoblock
Author Website: Here
Tags: Page Builders

JetCompare Wishlist


-for Elementor-

You`ll love JetCompare Wishlist for Elementor


Compare products by any data

Set the parameters by which you want to compare the products

Display well-organized wishlists

Style up the structure and looks of products wishlist according to your goal

Add Compare and Wishlist buttons

With Compare and Wishlist buttons the visitors will easily add a product into a list

Show the Compare and Wishlist count

with JetCompare Wishlist for Elementor Let the customers know the number of times a product was added into a list

Understandable Compare Block

With JetCompare Wishlist for Elementor Build wonderful comparison table with compare widget

Engaging compare and wishlist buttons

Stylish to buttons calling add products to compare or wishlist

Neat compare count and wishlist count buttons

Let your visitors see how many products they selected

Elegant wishlist layout

Showcase the products chosen in a nice wishlist

And more

Get now JetCompare Wishlist for Elementor!!!

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    We do not offer any additional services of the author, such as customization of products or license keys. We are not affiliated with or related in any way to third-party developers or trademark owners.

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