Facebook Chat Extension For AMP 1.2.4

Facebook Chat Extension For AMP

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Plugins
Author: AMPforWP
Author Website:
Tags: Optimizers, Utilities

Facebook Chat Extension For AMP


Get attention of your amp users with Facebook live chat.

Facebook Chat Extension For AMP which allows you to put Facebook page chat on AMP so that visitors can chat with you via your Facebook page inbox.

This is an easy way to offer support, turns visitors into your customers and chat with them anytime, anywhere on your phone.


Facebook Chat Extension For AMP Features

Beautiful Chat Responsive
Present a nice looking Chat icon to your audience which automatically adapts the mobile devices. We’re going to add more designs into Facebook Chat Extension For AMP in future.

Chat With Your Customers Anytime
You can collect all the visitor’s Facebook messages and chat with them anytime, anywhere on your mobile phone.

Easy to setup
Just enter your Facebook page and logo. No need required any APP ID. This Facebook Chat Extension For AMP is very easy to install and use.

Continuous Development
We will be working hard to continuously develop this Facebook Chat Extension For AMP and release updates constantly so that your forms can continue to work flawlessly on accelerated mobile pages.



Get Now Facebook Chat Extension For AMP!!!

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