EDD Conditional Success Redirects 1.1.8

EDD Conditional Success Redirects

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 1.1.8
Category: Plugins
Author: Easy Digital Downloads
Author Website: Here
Tags: Downloads

EDD Conditional Success Redirects

Per-product confirmation pages on successful purchases.

EDD Conditional Success Redirects allows a store admin to set the purchase confirmation page conditionally based on which product was purchased.

It only redirects to the selected page if the product with the redirect set is the only product in the cart at the time of a successful purchase.

The redirect will not occur when there are multiple products successfully purchased, with at least one product having a redirect.

Through the newly created “Conditional Success Redirects” admin page you can setup your redirects, edit your redirects, and make redirects active/inactive. When a redirect is inactive, it prevents the redirect from occurring.

Only 1 redirect per product can be set (for obvious reasons) so when adding a new redirect, any existing products with redirects will be hidden from the select menu.

Note: You will still need to add the [edd_receipt] shortcode to your custom success pages in order to display a receipt to the customer.


Get Now EDD Conditional Success Redirects!!!

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