Easy Digital Downloads Zapier
Easy Digital Downloads Zapier Integrate EDD with over 400 web services through Zapier.com
Send Easy Digital Downloads order and customer data to 300+ third party web services using a single plugin and a Zapier account!
Easy Digital Downloads Zapier is a simple and powerful way to integrate your Easy Digital Downloads store with 400+ third party web services, including Highrise, Twilio, Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Xero, Zendesk, Dropbox, Google Docs and more!
Sample use cases of Easy Digital Downloads Zapier
- Email & SMS: Send notifications when a new purchase is made (e.g. Twilio, Gmail)
- CRM: Add leads/contacts and notes to your CRM (e.g Highrise, Salesforce)
- Accounting: Create invoices and contacts in your accounting system (e.g. Xero)
- Mailing List: Update your mailing list through MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, SendGrid, and others
- Spreadsheets: Add orders to a shared spreadsheet or CSV file, perhaps through Google Docs, Dropbox, or Google Drive
- Contacts: Add customer details to your address book (Google Contacts)
- Help Desk: Add a ticket to your help desk system powered by Zendesk, Desk.com, or others
- Team Chat: Send an instant message to your team’s chat room using Hall, Slack, Hipchat, and others
Unlimited possibilities. With over 300 webapps and services supported by Zapier, there really is no limit to the things you can do with Easy Digital Downloads Zapier and Easy Digital Downloads plugin.
Make managing your online store easier by automating common tasks with Easy Digital Downloads Zapier.
Note: To enable Easy Digital Downloads as an integration in your Zapier account, You will need the extension and the connection in Zapier to use this integration.
Easy Digital Downloads Zapier Requirements
- Easy Digital Downloads v2.0 or later
- a Zapier account
- WordPress 3.8 or later
The following Easy Digital Downloads core triggers are available:
- New customer
- Updated customer
- New order created
- Pending order created
- Order failed
- Order abandoned
- Order refunded
- Order revoked
- Pre-approved order created
- File downloaded
When using Recurring Payments, the following additional triggers are available:
- New subscription created
- Subscription renewal payment processed
- Subscription renewed
- Subscription completed
- Subscription expired
- Subscription failing
- Subscription cancelled
When using Software Licensing, the following additional triggers are available:
- New license key created
- License key status changes to active
- License key status changes to inactive
- License key expired
- License key disabled
- License key activated
- License key deactivated
Get Now Easy Digital Downloads Zapier!!!
Before making a purchase or accessing our services, we recommend that you review the following information:
Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Request a plugin update you need and we will have it for you.
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Note: Due to the timezone differences, our support team may take several hours to get in touch with you.
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