LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon 2.2.1

LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon

Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Plugins
Author: LearnDash
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Tags: LMS

LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon


LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon is a service that makes it easy for you to connect two applications without the need to know code, currently with a library of over 300 applications. LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon calls these connections “Zaps”, and this integration lets you create Zaps that include LearnDash activities.



LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Addon Features


Perform actions in over 300 applications based on seven specific LearnDash activities
Trigger actions in other applications when someone enrolls into a course, completes a course, completes a lesson, completes a topic, passes a quiz, fails a quiz, or completes a quiz.

Supports both global and specific LearnDash activity
Perform an action based on a global event (i.e. every time a quiz is passed), or set up a specific trigger (i.e. when a certain quiz is passed).

Easily connect LearnDash to the popular Zapier program without code
Simply add a new LearnDash trigger in your WordPress admin dashboard and the integration communicates the necessary information with Zapier.

Example Use Cases

  • Add a user to an email list (MailChimp, aWeber, etc.) as soon as they enroll into a course
  • Add a user to an email list when they finish a course (great for cross-promotion!)
  • Track all failed quiz attempts for a specific course in a Google Doc
  • Generate a help desk ticket (HelpScout) when someone fails a quiz
  • Add users to the CRM platform of your choice (Salesforce, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, etc.) when they enroll into a course
  • Send a notification (email or SMS) when someone enrolls into a course
  • Generate an invoice (Freshbooks, Xero, etc.) when a course is complete
  • Post to Twitter or Facebook when someone completes a lesson



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