Take GeneratePress to the next level with GeneratePress Premium
Check this awesome GeneratePress Premium Features:
- SITE LIBRARY: Importable demo sites to give you a headstart on your next project.
- COLORS: With GeneratePress Premium take control of your site colors using over 60 color options.
- TYPOGRAPHY: Over 70 typography options give you complete control over your site text.
- ELEMENTS: Dynamic page heros, an advanced hook system and custom theme layouts.
- WOOCOMMERCE: With GeneratePress Premium add more color, typography and layout options to your WooCommerce store.
- MENU PLUS: Sticky navigation, off canvas navigation, mobile header and more!
- BLOG: Featured image controls, columns & masonry, infinite scroll & more.
- SECONDARY NAV: Add a second navigation with all the same options as the primary navigation.
- BACKGROUNDS: With GeneratePress Premium background images and options throughout your site elements.
- DISABLE ELEMENTS: Turn off various theme elements on specific pages throughout your site.
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