MainWP Atarim Extension
The MainWP Atarim Extension expands your ability to collaborate with your clients through your MainWP Dashboard. Get a complete overview of tasks that have been created inside your websites using Atarim to keep track of all your client requests!
Visually Collaborate With Your Clients!
Atarim is a platform where you can visually collaborate with your clients on their websites by putting post-it note-like requests on the page, which are neatly organized in an inbox (or Kanban Board).
Each request comes with information like screen size, browser, and an automated screenshot of the request creator’s view, making it super easy for you to understand what needs to be done from the first message.
Why The MainWP Atarim Extension?
This extension makes it a breeze to stay on top of all requests created via visual collaboration on websites inside your Atarim Agency Dashboard.
Once installed and connected, every request is pulled into a neatly organized list that sits inside your MainWP dashboard, with all the information you need about each one.
MainWP Atarim Extension Features Overview
Every feature inside the Atarim plugin has been made with your specific use case: cutting out endless back and forth, stopping client procrastination, and giving you everything you need to do your job.
- Website Vitals: Display your website vitals inside your Atarim Dashboard to see if websites have any updates, the status, and security vulnerabilities, ensuring you are always up to date on both the back-end and front-end of your sites regardless of which dashboard you are on.
- Task List: Display all requests made via visual collaboration in Atarim into a list inside your MainWP Dashboard, making it super easy to stay on top of your work and impress your clients.
- One Click To Requests: Simply click one button to go straight to where a task is inside Atarim, getting you to your work way quicker than other traditional forms of client communications (emails, phone, Zoom…)
- Reports: Using the MainWP Pro Reports Extension, task lists and time entries will be included in your generated reports. Giving your clients even more vital information about their website.
Get Now MainWP Atarim Extension!
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