Ninja Forms MailPoet 3.0.1

Ninja Forms MailPoet

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Plugins
Author: Ninja Forms
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Tags: Forms

Ninja Forms MailPoet


Say hello better! With Ninja Forms MailPoet, Customize your MailPoet signup forms to draw more subscribers than ever before. Connect WordPress to any MailPoet list in minutes!

The Ninja Forms MailPoet add-on is now compatible with version 3 of the official MailPoet plugin for WordPress

  • Starting to discover that you need more than what your stock MailPoet signup forms have to offer?
  • Love MailPoet but feeling limited by your options to customize your forms’ features and style?
  • Want to get more growth out of your lists, but feel like you can only do so much with your stock signup options?

The success of your mailing lists depends on your signup forms’ ability to catch a visitor’s eye and draw them in. When you’re just starting out, stock forms might cut it to get your lists off the ground. If you’re looking for your campaigns to really soar, you need more.

Give your MailPoet lists new life and begin attracting subscribers like never before with Ninja Forms MailPoet!


Link to MailPoet in minutes from any WordPress form
Any form on your WordPress website can become a signup form in a matter of moments. Simply:

  • Add a MailPoet action to your form
  • Select your List
  • Map form fields to account fields
  • Start collecting signups!

A signup field will be added to the form, easy as that. Every time the box is checked, you have a new subscriber.

With Ninja Forms MailPoet, Easily customize your signup form’s look and features
Your signup forms need to stand out and draw a guest’s attention to maximize your campaign’s potential.

Customize the functionality of each and every form by taking full control of unlimited email notifications to multiple parties, designer success messages, redirects, and more.

Need more? Conditional Logic brings you the ability to signup visitors to different Lists based on the preferences they express in the form.

Beyond just looking good on any device or screen size, you can also fully customize your aesthetic easily with Ninja Forms’ Layout and Styles.

Turbocharge your newsletter signups and grow your lists like never before with Ninja Forms MailPoet today!



Get Now Ninja Forms MailPoet!!!

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Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.

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    We do not offer any additional services of the author, such as customization of products or license keys. We are not affiliated with or related in any way to third-party developers or trademark owners.

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