WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro 1.0.75

WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 1.0.75
Category: Plugins
Author: WP Sheet Editor
Author Website: Here
Tags: eCommerce Utilities

WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro


Bulk Edit Easy Digital Downloads

No import/export needed. All the changes apply live on the website.

A Spreadsheet created specially for EDD products

Creating a lot of EDD products is very difficult

You need to create every download one at a time, enter the file details, prices, etc. and repeat.

The Search is very limited. If you want to find downloads by file name, prices, bundle, etc. you can’t do it. You end up opening a lot of pages, make a lot of clicks, waste a lot of time.

Use cases of WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro

  • Advanced search for Downloads
    You can search by multiple fields and using multiple conditions.
    For example, find all downloads from category Music that cost > $ 50.
    Find files by bundle, find bundles by pricing, etc.
    Find all downloads that are missing images
    Find downloads by date, etc.
  • Edit thousands of EDD products at once
    We have a formulas engine that lets you update a lot of products quickly.
    You can do powerful updates.
    You can replace values in ANY field = Replace prices, words in descriptions, categories, images, file names, etc.
    You can do math operations = Increase download prices by 20%, Decrease amounts by $10, etc.
    And more.
  • Create EDD Products in Bulk
    You can create downloads quickly in multiple ways:
    You can write the download info in the sheet quickly.
    You can copy paste info from Excel
    You can copy paste download tables from other websites.
    You can use our autofill tool to copy information to multiple products at once.
  • View all the information in a single place
    You can view all the download fields in the spreadsheet, you can view everything in a single page.
    You can edit all the fields too, including files, variable pricing, bundle products, required prices for files and bundles, categories, tags, and more.
    It shows custom fields added by other plugins automatically, no setup needed.

WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro General Features

  • Bundles: The WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro plugin generates one column for every bundle. You can edit bundles quickly using the spreadsheet or the bulk update tool.
  • Variable Pricing: The spreadsheet supports variable prices. It provides columns to enter the price, name, etc.
  • Unlimited files: The EDD Spreadsheet supports unlimited files, you can edit on the sheet and using the bulk update tool
  • Custom Columns: You can add new columns to the Downloads Spreadsheet for editing custom fields
  • Downloads meta: You can edit Custom Fields added by other plugins, they show automatically
  • Columns Visibility: You can remove, deactivate, display, and sort columns.
  • Formulas: You can update hundreds of Downloads at once using Formulas
  • Advanced Custom Fields: Advanced Custom Fields metaboxes automatically appear in the Downloads spreadsheet.
  • Advanced search: You can find Downloads by category, missing images, and any field
  • Columns resizing: You can resize columns
  • Columns renaming: You can rename column
  • Template products: You can create a “master Download” and all the Downloads that you create in the spreadsheet will copy the values from the base Download, so all the fields are auto filled.

Get Now WP Sheet Editor EDD Downloads Pro!

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    We do not offer any additional services of the author, such as customization of products or license keys. We are not affiliated with or related in any way to third-party developers or trademark owners.

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