The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme 4.7

The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 4.7
Category: Themes
Author: Themeforest
Author Website:
Tags: eCommerce

The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme



The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme is a powerful Premium WordPress Theme that provides all the tools required to build uniques online stores or multipurpose websites, within a reasonable time frame.


The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme Features Overview
Are you new to WooCommerce? No worries, you’re not the only one. Almost half of our customers are beginners, selling online for the first time and they manage to create beautiful sites without any previous web designing experience.


Powered by Trust
WooCommerce is built on WordPress, the software that runs 26% of the web. Regularly audited by Sucuri, an industry leader in security, you’re in good hands.

Ship Anywhere
When you set up your shop you can choose to offer free shipping or flat-rate shipping. If you would like to only ship your products to a specific country, you can easily configure these settings in your dashboard too. With The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme you can Give customers the option of pickup, local delivery or shipping. Restrict options available based on customer location.

Customize for your location
Set the currency, language and measurement units (inches, centimeters or anything else) that’s right for you.

User Accounts
With The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme, Allow customers to register and choose to automatically generate usernames and passwords, or not. Display a returning customer login reminder. Enable guest checkout for those who don’t want to register.

Add sales, orders, and at-a-glance status summary window to your WP dashboard to easily see how your store is doing.

View sales, refunds and coupons over time. See your top products and categories.

Search Engine Optimisation
WooCommerce runs on WordPress, recognized as one of the best platforms for SEO practices.

Inventory Management
Track stock levels, hold stock after an order is cancelled, get notifications for low and out-of-stock items.

Email Templates
Send notifications to customers at critical stages, e.g., after they make a purchase or when their order is complete.

Import and Export Products
Add and update product information like name, short description, regular and sale price, and more using a CSV file.

Free Shipping
With The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme, Offer free shipping for certain products or certain locations – the choice is yours.

Affiliate Products
Show products available on other sites with an affiliate link for customers to purchase them.

Unlimited Variations
Offer any number of variations (like color, size, fabric and so on) for a product with the option to set prices, stock and images for each variation.

Product Ratings and Reviews
With The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme, Show customer feedback directly on the product page, including a ‘Verified Owner’ label.

Featured Products
Use a widget to showcase top products, a specific category or tag, products on sale, featured products or recently viewed products on any page of your store.

Sell Anything
Whether it be t-shirts in all their shapes and sizes, music files or software. Even affiliated products from a marketplace. Wuth The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme It’s all possible. From physical products and digital downloads to subscriptions, content and even appointments, you can sell anything with WooCommerce.

Payment Options
The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme comes Bundled with PayPal (for accepting credit card and PayPal payments), BACS, and cash on delivery for accepting payments. Need a specific payment gateway? There are tons of extension. Take payments via Stripe and PayPal or credit cards.

And more!!!


Get Now The Hanger Versatile WooCommerce Theme!!!

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    We do not offer any additional services of the author, such as customization of products or license keys. We are not affiliated with or related in any way to third-party developers or trademark owners.

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