MeowApps Perfect Images 7.0.1

MeowApps Perfect Images

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 7.0.1
Category: Plugins
Author: MeowApps
Author Website: Here
Tags: Multimedia

MeowApps Perfect Images


Perfect Images was previously known as WP Retina 2x. Its name changed at the end of 2020, to provide better and more features related to images and to streamline the Retina support.

MeowApps Perfect Images creates the image files required by high-density displays and delivers them to your visitors accordingly. This plugin is kept up to date with the latest techniques and evolutions to focus

MeowApps Perfect Images is here!

Take control of your images with Perfect Images! This powerful plugin helps you optimize and manage your images with ease. Easily replace or regenerate existing images in bulk, set custom sizes, improve performance, and create retina versions for high-quality displays.

Plus, with features like CDN support and the ability to disable the image threshold, you can fine-tune your image management to suit your specific needs. Perfect Images is fast, does not create any new tables in your database, and is fully compatible with other plugins.

  • Image Management
    Allows you to easily replace, regenerate, and manage your images and image sizes.
  • Bulk Replace / Generate
    Makes it easy to make changes to multiple images at once, saving you time and effort.
  • Retina / HighDPI
    Creates high-quality retina versions of your images to ensure they look great on all devices.
  • Customization
    Fine-tune your image management with options like the ability to disable the image threshold and set custom sizes.
  • Optimization
    CDN support, Easy IO (EWWW)


Get Now MeowApps Perfect Images!

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