Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin 1.2.0

Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Category: Plugins
Author: Elfsight
Author Website:
Tags: eCommerce Utilities

Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin



Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin provides a simple way to allow your customers to make payments via PayPal on your website. With the help of the widget, you can create buttons for single payments, subscriptions, and donations; and include taxes and shipping price to your payments as well. In seconds, set up a smooth and secure payment procedure for your clients using one of the most reputable payment tools.

Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin is your choice if

  • You want to enable clients to purchase goods or services via PayPal on your site
  • You wish to set up an easy way for your clients to subscribe to your offers
  • You want to have a Donation button to let users share any sum on your website
  • You need a reliable working solution to save your time and money



What you get with Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin

Single-payment button
Enter the name of the item and its price – that’s all you need to add a payment button on the website. If there’s a need for this, you can specify tax and indicate shipping price. There’s also an option to direct clients to a certain page after each successful transaction.

Subscription button
To have a quick and handy way for your customers to subscribe for your products or services, just choose Subscription payment type and adjust subscription period and other parameters.

Recurring for automatic subscription billing
With Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin, You can make your clients’ subscriptions automatically continue and get billed. Recurring option will set automatic billing for subscriptions based on the chosen frequency and payment details.

Donation button
With Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin you can create a quick donation tool on your website. Choose Donation type of the button and set a fixed donation amount or let donors decide themselves how much they want to give.

Localization worldwide
With vast localization opportunities of Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin, it’s easy to pay on your site wherever you are. Just choose your country, and the PayPal checkout window interface will be available in the corresponding language.

A library of currencies
You can set the currency that you want to use in your transactions. For this, just choose it from the list of available options. The currency that you set will also be applied to shipping price and tax.

Various button shapes, sizes, colors and more
You are free to set the right size and shape of the button, using a handy scroll bar; decide what elements will be there, including PayPal text, logo and editable button label; and customize the color of the button and its elements. You can also add or hide popular payment system icons underneath.

Ultimately responsive widget
We want Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin to suit every need of yours and your visitors. That’s why it perfectly works on any device, including tablets and smartphones and with any display resolution.

Intuitive and flexible editor
Never before has customizing been so easy and fast. Try our handy editor and get your plugin the look, which will best suit your website, in just few easy steps.

Automatic updates
New features and bug fixes will be automatically installed to your plugin. All you need to do is to get a purchase code and activate your license in the plugin. Automatic updates will be up and running to ensure you the most smooth experience.

Elfsight PayPal Button Plugin is 100% compatible with WordPress
Don’t worry about the compatibility, our plugin works smoothly on any WordPress theme, including the most popular on Themeforest:

  • Avada
  • Jupiter
  • BeTheme
  • Enfold
  • Flatsome
  • X
  • Salient
  • Bridge

And more!


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