ConvertPlus Popup Plugin 3.5.31

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $3.99.

Version: 3.5.31
Category: Plugins
Author: Codecanyon
Author Website:
Tags: eCommerce Utilities

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin

The Best WordPress Popup Plugin

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin is the all-in-one WordPress Popup plugin that transforms your website into a lead generation powerhouse. Build your email list, bigger, faster and more targeted than ever before. You can create beautiful pop ups in minutes & start converting your website visitors into subscribers, social followers & customers.

World-class conversion optimization WordPress ConvertPlus Popup Plugin with over 10+ popup display positions, 12+ different visitor behavior triggers & filters. The best thing about this popup plugin is that it has a huge library of over 100+ beautifully designed & high converting readymade templates. Features like the exit popup, opt-in popup, slide-in popup, video popup, on-click popup, social popup, embedded forms, widget boxes, info bars make it the most powerful popup & lead generation plugin.


Best Ever Popup Plugin for WordPress Website!

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin is an all-in-one and most affordable WordPress popup plugin that will help you generate more leads and get more email subscribers. With a variety of elements, like the modal popups, the slide-in popups, info bars, scroll boxes, inline forms, sticky notification bar, and more. ConvertPlus Popup Plugin gives you the freedom to use the ready-made templates or layouts that are 100% customizable, or design one right from scratch.

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin is simple to implement and the most comprehensive yet inexpensive WordPress opt-in Plugin that will build your email list and double your conversions, faster and cheaper than all email list building tools & software available.


How does ConvertPlus Popup Plugin work?

ConvertPlus Popup Plugin does not require any coding or design experience. This is what makes it the best and easy WordPress optin plugin. Just follow a few intuitive steps and you are set to go live in minutes!

Create a campaign, select a design and customize it per your needs, add triggers and filters, publish the module and sit back and watch how it performs.


ConvertPlus Popup Plugin gives you complete control over the behavior of the modules. With 100% customizable designs, you can decide the time when the users are most likely to act. With triggers like the exit intent, the after scroll, inactivity trigger, after post, well timed trigger and more, you can count on ConvertPlus Popup Plugin 110% to be the best WordPress email list builder.

Some triggers examples are:

  • Before user leaves (Exit Intent)
  • Welcome message
  • After time delay
  • When user scrolls a percentage of a page
  • Display after (x) seconds of inactivity
  • At the end of page or post
  • On click of a button, text or image
  • Before or After post (inline forms)
  • Launch with shortcode

You can choose any trigger that suit your message or combine multiple triggers and meet unlimited creative possibilities!

Popups are annoying? No more!

Popups are intrusive when you’re interrupting users while they were at something. Imagine, you’re reading a great blog post and a popup appears out of nowhere with no context. Such interruptions are bad and users tend to close such popups immediately as they want to go back to what they were doing. This can be solved with Exit popups, Cookies & Two Step Opt-ins.

Exit Intent / Exit Popups

Exit Intent Popups are far less intrusive. When enabled, ConvertPlus Popup Plugin will track the cursor movements and trigger a popup as soon as the user is about to cross the top border of the browser window or is found moving towards the close button. Exit popups can be used to re-engage abandoning visitors and offer them additional value, to win them back again.

It could be a discount coupon, eBook offer, your latest blog post, and links to your social media channels or offering any other lead magnet that they are looking out for. Onsite re-targeting is by far the best technique to hold back visitors and capture email addresses!

Well Timed Popups

Timing plays an important role when you are thinking of popups. You need to decide when a popup will be displayed depending on the message it carries.

Well timed popups or opt-in forms are those that can be displayed at a precise time when a user has just arrived on the page, when a user has been interacting on the page for a certain period of time, and so on. All you need to do is make note of the right time to display the right offers for your audience.



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