Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin
Create Your own multiple categories products catalog website just in a few Clicks by using our feature rich Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin, The unique features of Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin makes it #1 products comparisons plugin for WordPress
Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin is Compatible with most standard WordPress themes, Themes built on bootstrap v3 framework are recommended, you may enable/disable responsive layout, 9 pre defined color schemes (skins) or select your own colors by using color picker to match with your theme, advanced users can completely customize the output, clean, commented and easy to understandable code, also demo data is included for testing and learning purpose.
Note: This is a WordPress plugin not a theme, you may need to modify plugin’s default styles to match with your theme’s header and footer.
Categorize Products
You can divide your products in categories, like laptops, mobiles, cameras etc, also you can assign different sets of features, groups, attributes, rating bars and filters for each category by using Arena Products Store – WordPress Plugin..
Products Brands
Also you can divide your products by Brands (manufacturers) so your visitors can find their products more conveniently.
Filter Products
Flters are designed to provide refine products search functionality for your visitors.
Products Comparisons
Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin has built-in product comparison features, so your visitors can compare unlimited number products side by side, comparisons are also categorized by categories.
Products Main Features
You can manage product’s main (6) features using Products Main Features Management System, You can manage different features for each category.
Attributes and Groups
You can create attributes and groups to display your product’s data, You can manage different groups of attributes for each category.
Products Reviews
Your visitors can easily rate and write a review for your product by using built-in Products Reviews System.
7 Built-in Widgets
Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin has 7 built-in widgets which you can see in the sidebar of demo site.
- Ajax Search Widget
- New Arrivals Widget
- Top Rated Products Widget
- Recent Comparisons Widget
- Categories List Widget
- Brands (Manufacturers) List Widget
- More Products by Brand (in single view)
Built-in Page Templates
Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin has built-in auto-load page templates for every section of plugin’s output, header and footer should be used from your current theme.
- Products Catalog Page Template
- Products Categories Archive Template
- Products Brands Archive Template
- Products Search Archive Template
- Products Comparison Template
- Custom Comparisons List Template
- Product Single View Template
Featured Pack
Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin has hundreds features which we are unable to explaine here, We believe You can’t find these awesome features anywhere bundeled in 1 plugin with life time FREE updates, Also you can extend it’s functionality and usability by using add-ons (extension plugins), so why we say, Sky is the only limit, please visit demo site to see it in action.
Get Now Arena Products Store WordPress Plugin!!!
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Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Request a plugin update you need and we will have it for you.
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Note: Due to the timezone differences, our support team may take several hours to get in touch with you.
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Updates for 365 Days.” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”19″ currency=”$” id=”10862″][pricing_plan price_suffix=”lifetime” button_type=”product” style=”alt” name=”Lifetime Access” features_list=”Access All Products.
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Updates for 30 Days.” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”29″ currency=”$” id=”9724″][pricing_plan price_suffix=”lifetime” button_type=”product” style=”alt” name=”Unlimited Lifetime Access” features_list=”Access All Products
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Can Resell” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”49″ currency=”$” id=”29705″][/pricing_tables]
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