Bazar Shop ECommerce Theme
Bazar Shop ECommerce Theme is a fresh and creative theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugin to create a very versatile WordPress powered shop, with unlimited layout options and a lot of unbelievable features.
Bazar Shop ECommerce Theme
Some features of Bazar Shop ECommerce Theme are:
- Wishlist feature
- Zoom effect in the product detail page
- Popup plugin included to show offers and news
- Megamenu with images support; List/grid view in the products page
- 2 custom checkout pages (a nice tabbed checkout page)
- “Catalog mode” to use the theme like a catalog, without the cart option and with a “product enquiry form”
- Filterable faqs
- Shortcode manager with 300+ shortcodes
- …and so on!
Get Now Bazar Shop ECommerce Theme!!!
Before making a purchase or accessing our services, we recommend that you review the following information:
Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Request a plugin update you need and we will have it for you.
[html_block id=”7814″]
Note: Due to the timezone differences, our support team may take several hours to get in touch with you.
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Updates for 365 Days.” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”19″ currency=”$” id=”10862″][pricing_plan price_suffix=”lifetime” button_type=”product” style=”alt” name=”Lifetime Access” features_list=”Access All Products.
No Recurring Payments.
Unlimited Download and Use.
Updates for 30 Days.” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”29″ currency=”$” id=”9724″][pricing_plan price_suffix=”lifetime” button_type=”product” style=”alt” name=”Unlimited Lifetime Access” features_list=”Access All Products
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Can Resell” best_option=”no” with_bg_image=”no” price_value=”49″ currency=”$” id=”29705″][/pricing_tables]
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